

School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used our own custom made 3d engine (Odd Works engine). Our reference game was P.T. (and a few elements from Alien Isolation).

My main contribution was the network code and the puzzle.

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Spite: The Mountain God

School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used our own custom made 3d engine (Odd Works engine). Our reference game was Diablo 3 and there were requirements such as AI, pathfinding, scripting and so on.

My part was mostly the pathfinding (A* and a navmesh), but also optimization (QuadTrees and such).

Cloud Heist

School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used our own custom made 3d engine (Odd Works engine). Our reference game was Star Fox Adventures (the flying part).

My part was a mix of optimization and internal tools, such as the collision system and the memory pool.

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School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used a 2d engine provided by the school (Tga2d), the reference game was Hyperlight Drifter.

Besides general gameplay and bug fixing, my main contribution here was the collision system and making the character walking and running around smoothly in the environment. I also did culling optimization.


School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used a 2d engine provided by the school (Tga2d), the reference game was Super Mario.

Here I mainly dealt with the particle system again, expanding functionality from the last project (Shell Shock). The main goal was to make the particle system easier and more flexible for our Level Designers to use, so I made a particle editor that hade a large number of settings and that could combine any number of emitter types.

Shell Shock

School project (10 weeks development, 4 programmers, 20hrs/week). We used a 2d engine provided by the school (Tga2d), the reference game was Gradius.

This was my first C++ project, so thinking long term I started setting up the different systems we would need for future projects. I made an event system, basic collision detection and a state machine. I also dealt with the particle system.

Beer And Loving In Transylvania

School project (10 weeks development, 5 programmers, 20hrs/week). The game was a Point-and-Click made in Love/LUA.

Besides general gameplay (buttons and textboxes) and bug fixing, my main contribution was creating an event system and setting up the underlying structure, so that the other programmers had an easier time implementing the gameplay.


School project (8 weeks development, 3 programmers, full time). A Visual Novel made in Unity.

My main contribution was setting up the underlying structure (including an event system), and making the text box work. The text box had to support different typing speeds, replay functionality, colored words, be able to trigger events when typing certain words and more.

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